1. Introduction

The or keyword is an essential part of Python's logical operators. It allows you to test multiple conditions in your code and execute actions based on the results. In Python, or is used to evaluate two or more expressions and returns True if at least one of the expressions is True. Understanding how to use the or keyword effectively can make your code more readable and efficient.

2. Understanding the Basics of the or Keyword

The or keyword in Python evaluates two expressions and returns True if at least one of them is True. If both expressions are False, it returns False. The syntax is straightforward:

result = expression1 or expression2

Example: Simple Boolean Expressions

a = True
b = False

result = a or b
print(result)  # Output: True

In this example, the output is True because at least one of the expressions (a) is True. If both were False, the output would be False.  

3. Truthiness and Short-Circuit Evaluation

Understanding truthiness and short-circuit evaluation is crucial for using the or keyword effectively in Python. These concepts determine how Python evaluates expressions and when to stop evaluating further conditions. This section will explain these concepts with examples to help you write more efficient and optimized code.

3.1. What is Truthiness in Python?

In Python, values are considered either truthy or falsy. This truthiness is used when evaluating conditions with logical operators like or. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Truthy values: Non-zero numbers, non-empty strings, non-empty lists, and any object that isn’t explicitly defined as False.
  • Falsy values: 0, None, False, empty strings (""), empty containers ([], {}, ()), and other explicitly false values.

3.2. Examples of Truthy and Falsy Values

# Truthy examples
print(bool(1))       # Output: True
print(bool("Hello")) # Output: True
print(bool([1, 2]))  # Output: True

# Falsy examples
print(bool(0))       # Output: False
print(bool(""))      # Output: False
print(bool(None))    # Output: False

When using the or keyword, Python evaluates these values to determine if the overall expression is True or False.

3.3. What is Short-Circuit Evaluation?

Python’s or keyword uses short-circuit evaluation. This means that it evaluates expressions from left to right and stops when it finds the first truthy value. If a truthy value is found, the rest of the expression is not evaluated, making the operation faster and more efficient.

This behavior is particularly useful when you have complex expressions or want to avoid unnecessary evaluations. Let’s see some examples.

3.4. Short-Circuit Evaluation Example

x = 0
y = 5
z = 10

result = x or y or z
print(result)  # Output: 5

3.5. Short-Circuit Evaluation with Functions

Short-circuiting is also useful when using functions that may have side effects or take time to execute. If the first expression is truthy, the second function won't even be called, saving processing time.

def expensive_computation():
    print("This computation is running")
    return True

# This will not print anything because x is already truthy.
x = True
result = x or expensive_computation()
print(result)  # Output: True

In this example:

  • The function expensive_computation() is not called because x is already True.
  • Python knows that if any part of an or expression is True, the whole expression is True, so it skips evaluating the rest.

4. Common Usage Patterns with or

The or keyword is a versatile tool in Python, often used for setting default values, checking conditions, and simplifying code logic. In this section, we’ll explore some of the most common usage patterns with or and demonstrate how they can streamline your Python code.

4.1. Setting Default Values (x or y)

One of the most popular uses of the or operator is to set default values. If a variable might be None or falsy, or provides a fallback value that ensures the code functions as expected. This is particularly useful when you want to assign a default value if the first expression is not available or valid.

4.1.1. Example: Assigning Default Values

username = None
display_name = username or "Guest"

print(display_name)  # Output: Guest

In this example, the or operator checks if username is None (a falsy value). Since it is, "Guest" is assigned as the display_name. This approach is efficient for ensuring variables always have a valid value, even when the initial value is empty or None.  

4.2. Checking for None or Empty Values

The or keyword is also effective for validating inputs or checking if values are empty. Python treats None, empty strings, lists, and other "empty" objects as falsy values. This feature allows you to use or to provide a substitute when these values are encountered.

4.2.1. Example: Validating Input

user_input = ""
validated_input = user_input or "Default value"

print(validated_input)  # Output: Default value

In this case, since user_input is an empty string (falsy), the or operator assigns "Default value" to validated_input. This pattern is frequently used when working with user inputs to ensure that the code has a safe fallback.  

4.3. Using or in Conditional Statements (if, elif)

The or keyword is often used within if and elif statements to check multiple conditions at once. If any of the conditions evaluated by or are True, the code block executes. This simplifies conditional logic, making it more concise and readable.

4.3.1. Example: Using or in an if Statement

age = 17

if age < 18 or age > 60:
    print("Not eligible for membership")

In the example above, the or operator checks if age is either less than 18 or greater than 60. If either condition is True, the message "Not eligible for membership" is printed. This approach is beneficial when you need to validate inputs against multiple criteria.  

4.4. Combining Multiple Conditions with or

When writing code that requires testing multiple conditions, the or keyword is perfect for combining those conditions efficiently. It allows for checking if at least one of several conditions is True, avoiding the need for nested if statements and making the code cleaner.

4.4.1. Example: Combining Conditions

status = "active"
role = "guest"

if status == "active" or role == "admin":
    print("Access granted")
    print("Access denied")

Here, the or operator checks if either status is "active" or role is "admin". If any of these conditions is True, access is granted. Otherwise, access is denied. This pattern is especially useful in scenarios like access control, feature toggling, and state management.  

5. Advanced Usage of or in Python

The or keyword is not just for basic conditional checks; it has advanced uses that can enhance the efficiency and readability of your code when applied thoughtfully. In this section, we'll explore several advanced patterns and techniques with the or keyword in Python, such as nested or operations, usage in list comprehensions, the difference between logical and bitwise operations, and practical applications in functions and lambdas.

5.1. Nested or Operations and Precedence

When you have multiple conditions to evaluate, you can chain or operations. Python evaluates these from left to right, stopping as soon as it finds a truthy value due to short-circuit evaluation. Understanding this behavior can help you optimize code performance.


result = None or 0 or [] or "First Truthy" or "Second Truthy"
print(result)  # Output: First Truthy

Here’s how this works:

  • Python evaluates None, 0, and [] as falsy values, so it moves to the next expression.
  • "First Truthy" is a truthy value, so Python returns it and stops evaluating further.

This pattern is useful when you have multiple potential values and want to select the first non-falsy one. However, be mindful that all values before the truthy one are evaluated, so placing the most likely truthy value early can optimize performance.

5.2. Using or in List Comprehensions

You can use the or keyword in list comprehensions to assign default values or modify elements based on a condition.


numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 4]
default_values = [num or "zero" for num in numbers]
print(default_values)  # Output: ['zero', 1, 2, 3, 'zero', 4]

In this example:

  • Each element in the numbers list is evaluated using or.
  • If an element is 0 (falsy), the string "zero" is used as a default value.

Using or in list comprehensions can simplify code and reduce the need for additional conditional statements, making your code more concise and readable.

5.3. Logical or vs. Bitwise | Operator

In Python, the or keyword and the | (bitwise OR) operator are often confused because they seem similar, but they serve different purposes:

  •   Logical or: Evaluates the truthiness of expressions. If any expression is truthy, it returns the first truthy value. It works on any type (booleans, numbers, strings, objects, etc.).
  • Bitwise | Operator: Performs a bit-level operation on binary representations of numbers. It evaluates each bit and returns 1 if at least one of the corresponding bits of either operand is 1.


# Logical or
print(True or False)  # Output: True

# Bitwise OR
print(5 | 3)  # Output: 7


  • In the first example, True or False evaluates logically, returning True since one operand is truthy.
  • In the second example, 5 | 3 translates to binary (101 OR 011), resulting in 111 (binary), which is 7 in decimal.

Be cautious when using these operators to avoid unexpected behavior. Ensure you understand when to apply logical (or) vs. bitwise (|) operations based on your code requirements.

5.4. Practical Applications in Functions and Lambdas

The or keyword is particularly useful in functions and lambdas, where it can help set default values or concisely validate inputs.

5.4.1. Example 1: Default Value Handling in Functions

def get_value(data=None):
    return data or "No data available"

print(get_value())           # Output: No data available
print(get_value("Input"))    # Output: Input
  • If data is None or any falsy value, the function returns "No data available".
  • If data is truthy (e.g., a non-empty string), it returns that value.

This pattern is efficient for providing fallback values and keeps the code clean and concise.

5.4.2. Example 2: Lambdas with or for Validation

Lambdas in Python are often used for quick, one-liner functions. The or keyword can enhance their utility:

validate = lambda x: x or "Invalid input"
print(validate(""))         # Output: Invalid input
print(validate("Python"))   # Output: Python
  • The lambda function returns "Invalid input" if x is falsy (e.g., an empty string).
  • If x is truthy, it simply returns the value of x.

This approach can be used to validate or transform inputs concisely, without needing more elaborate functions or conditionals.

6. Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

  • Misunderstanding Short-Circuit Evaluation: The or operator stops evaluating as soon as it finds a truthy value. If not used carefully, this can lead to unexpected behavior, especially if later expressions have side effects or are expensive to compute.
  • Overusing or in Complex Expressions: Using too many or conditions in a single statement can make the code hard to read and maintain. Simplify your logic by breaking down the expression or using helper functions for clarity.  
  • Incorrectly Mixing Logical or and Bitwise |: The or operator is for logical operations, while | is for bitwise operations. Using them interchangeably can lead to bugs, as their behavior differs, especially with non-boolean values.  
  • Assuming or Works with All Data Types Equally: While or works well with booleans, it might not produce expected results when used with other types like strings or lists. Always test how or behaves with the specific data types you are using.
  • Using or for Variable Assignments Without Considering Edge Cases: When using x or y for default assignments, ensure that x is not only checked for being None but also other falsy values like 0, [], or "" if these are valid inputs. 
  • Forgetting to Test for the Impact of Short-Circuiting: If an expression following or has function calls or operations, be mindful that they may never execute if the first expression is truthy. This can be problematic if those operations are necessary.  
  • Assuming or Always Improves Performance: Short-circuiting can optimize performance, but if the expressions are complex or involve functions, you may need to measure and verify the performance impact.

7. Conclusion

The or keyword in Python is powerful and versatile, allowing for efficient conditional logic and default value handling. Understanding how to use it correctly ensures your code remains clean, efficient, and easy to understand.

Also Read:

Data types in Python

Data Structures in Python